General Information


Electronics and Automation Department which is based of electronics science, formed to satisfy vocational personal need and our department gives vocational education to many students. According to the progress in technology, our department consists of four different programs that base on daily and industrial educational models. Main purpose of this department is to give proper vocational educational training according to scientific and technological advances and demand of the industrial foundations. For this purpose, Electronics Technology, Electronics and Communication Technology, Biomedical Device Technology and Control-Automation Technology programs (from 2011-2012 semester) give proper function.


Electronics and Automation Department’s period of study is minimum two years. Our graduate students earn technician title. Department’s each program has 40 students and except Biomedical Device Technology and Control-Automation Technology programs, all other programs has night classes. Therefore, total number of student is 240 for the department and foreign students also can apply our 4 daytime and 2 evening educational programs.


At the end of our study period, our graduate students have an ability to analyze and solve technical problems by using different perspective. During their educational period, main devices for our educational programs are homework and projects. Also our students not only take part in their education as consumers. They take part in every educational opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and with combining their solution ideas to a technical problem, they learn how to think solution-oriented. Our department have 5 different laboratories which are electronics laboratory, communication laboratory, biomedical laboratory, fiber optic laboratory and computer laboratory. All of our laboratories have enough substructure like measurement equipment, experiment sets etc.

This page updated by Electronics and Automation Department on 23.11.2023 11:58:31

Electronics and Automation Department