Associate thesis

  1. Dissertation Project is a mandatory application for students. To be able to successful in and to graduate our students should consider the following steps very carefully.
  2. Dissertation project proposal should be accepted in the fall semester with the recommendation of a consultant. Click on the application form.
  3. The student whose project is accepted, should start his / her studies and bring his / her project to the vocational school.
  4. After creating functioning project, it is necessary to write the project report according to the defined rules. Dissertation projects that are not in the proper format will be considered unsuccessful because they are not enable to pass the first control stage. Click for syntax and Format.
  5. Dissertation Project report book which is suitable with the defined format according to Marmara University Technical Sciences Vocational School, must be submitted to the members of the jury.
  6. In exam day, student must get a passing grade after making a presentation contains information about the project.

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Electronics and Automation Department